Monday, August 9, 2010

Deir Sultan-the Ethiopian Monastery

Deir Sultan is an ancient Ethiopian Monastery that situated on the roof of the Holy Sepulcher church in Jerusalem. This monastery has been long in dispute between the Coptic Church and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and it symbolizes our last stronghold anywhere near the Holy Sepulcher church. As recalled, Ethiopians have lived in the Holy Land since the 4th century A.D. and this monastery has been in their possession throughout the years but more decisively it can be said in the last couple of centuries.

Hence when the status quo (in Latin "matters that were remain as they are," which became the convention by which all churches abide) was confirmed and adopted in the 1862-3. We have evidences especially that provided by western travelers that the monastery was in the hands of the Ethiopians, and later on documents that were obtained from the Turkish archive in Constantinople
and which were examined by a Russian professor of law early in the 20th century, established the Ethiopian ownership of the monastery.

In 1961 and on the basis of these documents a Jordanian court ruled in favor of the Ethiopians but the decision was overturned in 40 days due to Egyptian pressure on Jordan. In 1970, after the above-mentioned territory came under Israeli control, the Ethiopian monks it is claimed switched the locks to the two churches (St. Medhanie Alem & St. Michael) that have been locked for 80 years (1890-1970), and then the Coptic bishop took the matter to Israeli court who decided in 1971 that the keys are to be returned to the Copts. Nevertheless the government reserves the right to appoint a committee that will look into the matter and till the committee reaches conclusions the keys should remain in Ethiopian hands and no conclusion was reached since then.

I wanted to give you a clear picture of the matter and ask for any advice and cooperation from your side to see how this matter can be resolved and followed by international law experts and the Ethiopian Diaspora so as to make them understand the gravity of this matter to the Ethiopian nation and people for generations to come.

Please Let’s work together and save our Monastery.

When will end the misery of our brave monks?
…ነገር ግን፥ ወንድሞች ሆይ፥ ሁላችሁ አንድ ንግግር እንድትናገሩ በአንድ ልብና በአንድ አሳብም የተባበራችሁ እንድትሆኑ እንጂ መለያየት በመካከላችሁ እንዳይሆን በጌታችን በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ስም እለምናችኋለሁ።ወንድሞቼ ሆይ፥ በመካከላችሁ ክርክር እንዳለ ስለ እናንተ የቀሎዔ ቤተ ሰዎች አስታውቀውኛልና።ይህንምእላለሁ።እያንዳንዳችሁ። እኔ የጳውሎስ ነኝ፥ እኔስ የአጵሎስ ነኝ፥ እኔ ግን የኬፋ ነኝ፥ እኔስ የክርስቶስ ነኝ ትላላችሁ።ክርስቶስ ተከፍሎአልን? ጳውሎስስ ስለ እናንተ ተሰቀለን? ወይስ በጳውሎስ ስም ተጠመቃችሁን?... 1ኛ ቆሮ 1 10-13


Christians believe the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, is to be built where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected.
Deir Sultan Monastery lies above the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Monastery has been home to Ethiopian monks for centuries. Deir Sultan has been a site of an extended and at times violent turf war between Ethiopian and Egyptian Coptic churches. Hence, this centuries old Monastery is near collapse. And it’s future rests upon us - all Ethiopians.
Let's save our history! Lets save our treasure. See the link

Deir Sultan-Yesterday and Today

Deir Sultan-Yesterday and Today is a compelling story that tells the untold, yet a remarkable history of an extraordinary Ethiopian monks who bravely fought to keep the one and the only black owned property in the holy land. The film weaves a rare archival footage with contemporary voices to unravel the secrets of the most fascinating story of the century.

See all the link!!

Daniel Alemu
Member of the Ethiopian Community in Jerusalem

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